
Sunday, 5 March 2017



WHATSAPP has pushed-out an update for its hugely-successful messenger that brings the ability to send text messages with an entirely new font called FixedSys, building on its previous update, which included the ability to send bold, italics and strikethrough text in your messages.

WhatsApp this week rolled-out a new update to its iOS, Android and Web apps.
The Facebook-owned messaging app has added the ability to send text messages in a different font, dubbed FixedSys.
The iconic monospaced font is the oldest font included with Microsoft Windows, and was the font used across the operating system in Windows 1.0 back in 1985.
And now you can use the font in your WhatsApp messages.
The news comes as WhatsApp also introduced the ability to embed a previous text in your reply, like a Quote-Tweet on Twitter, and forward content to other conversations.
It's not immediately obvious how to access the new font since the app does not highlight the ability to switch fonts.

Instead you will have to type three ` characters at the start and at the end of the portion of text you would like to send in FixedSys font.
For example, you could send ```Hey - check out this new WhatsApp font I've found```
iPhone owners might struggle to take advantage of the new feature since the ` character is tough to locate on the default Apple iOS keyboard. You need to hit the 123 key in the corner of the keyboard and then press and hold on the apostrophe to find the grave accent.
On Android, you will find it on the second page of punctuation and symbols.

WhatsApp has previously added the ability to send bold, italics and strikethrough text in your messages.

These options are accessed through similar keyboard shortcuts.

• Bold: Add an asterisk (*) before and after the specific words or phrases you want to embolden e.g. *hello*

• Italics: Add an underscore (_) before and after your chosen words or phrases e.g. _hello_

• Strikethrough: Add a tilde (~) before and after the words or phrases you want to strike a line through e.g. ~hello~

As long as you have the latest version of WhatsApp running on your smartphone, the chosen word or phrase will embolden, italicise or strikethrough after it has sent.


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